Saturday, September 3, 2011

Buddy, Buddy With Josie's Mother

Josie's mother, Gladys, came in to my Saturday class again today.  She came right up to me, sat next to me, smiled and poked me.  We talked again as old friends.  She told me that she's been wanting to call me and if I could give her my phone number, which of course I did.  She asked about Arthur, my son, and I took the opportunity to tell her again about my separation/divorce.  I told her that he's at his mother's home, and that usually he spends 3 days with her, and 4 days with me.   

There was an exam today and Gladys was not ready at all.  She asked me to help her cheat.  I did.  I know I shouldn't have done it, but how do I tell the mother of the girl I like, "no, I can't help you cheat?"  We're supposed to be Christians and if Josie was looking for a Godly man, I definitely lost some points.  On the other hand, I did help the mother, and that should buy me some points.  Probably tonight, the family will ask the mother how she did in her exam, and she'll tell them all how I helped her.  Therefore, I wonder what the reaction will be tomorrow.  I wonder if Josie or the father will come up to me to thank me for helping the mother?

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